Honest Architectural Design

It is my considered opinion that here in metro Atlanta, Georgia, much of the contemporary commercial exterior design should have been never built. Currently popular, cheap, cookie-cutter patchwork pseudo-modern designs could have just as easily been reiterated by untrained laypersons rather than registered architects.

It appears that architecture coursework is more directed toward engineering for highest profitability rather than enriching design. Good design principles, discussed in this and many other sources, promote true economy and sustainability through honest styles that don't get tired and must be replaced in 20 to 50 years.

Classic designs should be classical. Modern designs should be inspired and not an amalgam of the last 5 completed designs. A Craftsman design should look like a Craftsman. New construction and renovations should all be directed by the considered techniques discussed by the Old House Guy and on this website.

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Jan 04, 2016

by: Joffre

There is a lot of weak design, although I think the bigger culprits are the development companies. They are in the business to make money, and aesthetics tend to fall by the wayside.

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